Friday, October 15, 2021

Remain a witness blissful

 Two strudents went to teacher complaing about one another. Teacher annoyed with the loyd arguments. Finally teacher asked a third student about the fact ,if he has witnessed it all.

The third student was not involved in the fight,hence he was cool and composed. He could narrate the facts as they occured.

All through the years eastern philosophy tell us to adopt a witness position.

Now ,what is a witness ...a Sanskrit. There are various types of witness.

When you watch nature ..a Sunset a witness

When you witness/see a good movie

When you witness group of people fighting 

When you witness an accident

When yiu witness your insult or promotion. 

When you witness dark and negative thoughts.

All have different effect on your mood

Nevertheless, whenever you see /witness any event or thought as a tihird person ,the potency of that event or thought is reduced

Aadi Shankaracharya say

aham sakshi iti sa vidhya...(sanskrit)

"I am the witness ,this is the whole wisdom"..

Modern psychology term it as .

"Awareness "..It means the momentyou can catch yourself brooding or worrying about any issue. and become aware ..half of the battle is won.

A technique to do this is as follows...

A part of yourself ,say spirit, remain separated from you and moves ,actually howers ,above your head ,all throgh the day (and night).Now this spirit ,ie you always keep a watch on your movement, action even thoughts and emotios.It gently remind you that , are going out of the track...hold on...or drop that un necessary load.

Whatever you ( your physical body) do ,feel or face are seen by this howering self just as one witness does.

However ,remember a witness attitude is not -in action,lazyness o rprocastination -

So plan the work smartly , prepare for work with military discipline, deploy all management techniques like time management, team work ,training ,MIS,delegation ...and....look at the results from distance....your hovering self.. Any Situation, work or obstacles can be handled by looking at them from a safe distance 

So ,.."aham sakshi iti ya vidhya".....

To remain a witness is ultimate wisdom

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