Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Feeling of a man caught by monster -called -Depression- A GIFTED TOY-


  How do a person feel when struck by a sudden mood swings  also called as Depression 

  A major depression is a clinical depression where some biological changes also occur. Reasons are not known . However , when a person enjoying his life suddenly struck by this depression ,how does it feel

  Here the basic idea is to treat your depression as a Gift from God , understand, accept ,make friend and walk along , shoulder to shoulder with this monster and yet remain blissful

 ( caution-  This blog or matter mentioned here are not the substitute of Doctor's medicine or advice. Though it can work along with medication and Doctors advise)


                                                      A GIFTED TOY


                                         I was rushing down the road,

                 Singing ,Jumping all along in joyous mood

                         On a sharp corner, foggy day and far away, 

             I bumped in to the monster , blocking my way.

                  I was knocked down,bleeding on the road side,

                        The monster was laughing loud and wide

                  I lay there for days unknown, woke up to see the rainy afternoon

                   There was rains,lighting and thunderstorms,

                   I had to lay there ,why I do not know

                           Rains stopped and rainbow sighted,

                     Birds seen flying, singing and delighted.

                     There was joy all around the woods, 

                   But I was scared ,searching monster around


                    Few boys came, I did not say anything but,

                     They lifted me up and took me to a hut

                 I met my Guruji , whom I know as my mentor

                      He gave me food ,medicine and shelter

                 He taught me the ways and means to begin

                           How to live happily , once gain

                       "Still I am scared Guruji," once I screamed

                        " I always see monster in my dream"


                       "Why do you think so" said Guruji

                         'that ,the monster is blocking your way"

            " It is now only inside you and ,you only are blocking your way"


                          "Learn the ways and means of life, 

                         Take the monster in your stride

                        Make it your best friend O my BOY

                              It is a blessing in disguise ....

                                          and -  A GIFTED TOY-



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